Being burgled is one of the worst things that can happen to someone, as not only will you lose hard earned possessions and precious, irreplaceable items, but the burglary itself means that your home suddenly becomes not a place of safety and security, but one that feels violated, cold, and unsafe.
It’s a terrible feeling, and one that lasts for many months, if not years, after the initial break in. Insurance can help, of course, but it’s not the same as having a home that is your own little castle.
Taking just a few precautions will mean that your home is safer than ever, and you can leave it feeling sure that when you return everything will be as it should. Locksmiths in Ipswich will tell you how many homes they have to visit as a result of them having been broken into, and then having to have the locks changed. It’s a lot. Don’t be one of them.
The first and most important thing to check is your locks. Do they double lock? Are they the right standard for your insurance (and to prevent as many break in attempts as possible)? If you’re not sure, call a local locksmith who will be able to give you the best advice. What about your windows? Check them from the outside to see whether they are easy to open, even when locked. And keep them locked unless you want to open them. Every time you leave the house, lock everything. That includes the windows, back door, front door, garden gate… everything and every place where a thief could gain access.
Burglaries don’t just happen when you’re out; some opportunistic thieves will hear a people in the garden and try the front door, just in case – and it’s often unlocked with no one in the house. It’s a scary thought. Make sure the front door is locked at all times, whether you’re inside or not. And don’t leave keys in plain sight, and certainly don’t leave them near the front door where someone could hook them out. If that happens, you’ve not only lost the security of your home, but you’ve potentially lost your car too.
The best way to secure your home from thieves is to deter them from trying in the first place. A visible – working – burglar alarm and security lighting are excellent ways to do that. Some alarms can be automatically connected to the police so that you have that extra layer of added security. And although these things cost money, they are a lot cheaper than having to replace everything that your insurance didn’t cover after a burglary.
Leaving your home for extended periods of time can be worrying, which is why asking a friend, family member, or neighbour to pop by and check everything is okay, turn lights on, pull curtains, turn the radio or TV on and so on is a good way to fool thieves into thinking someone is home. If no one can help out, buy a timer that will do at least some of the job for you.
Don’t forget the garden! The house can be as secure as For Knox, but if you leave tools, equipment, and bikes outside, a thief can easily take them if your garden is not secure. How good is your fence? Is it climbable? Is it sturdy? If there is nothing you can do about your fence (and actually, even if there is), it’s best to secure any valuable outside items to an immoveable object to prevent them from being taken.
